Michele Revere

i am a RN in a surgical ICU, I had a severely injured knee which required a 4 hour reconstruction surgery, on crutches for 2 weeks, non weight bearing.after this I had pt 3 days a week and lost 50lbs. Because of the weight loss I was able to feel my breast lump. After a negative mammogram I went to my Gyn who sent me for am ultrasound, the biopsy, I knew all along it was cancer. My breast surgeon said it I hadn't had the knee injury and lost that weight, instead of being stage 1 grade 1, by the time I had felt the tumor it would have been advanced breast cancer, I had 6 rounds of chemotherapy and bilateral mastectomies. I never said why me, only cried few times, mostly because I was hungry but too nauseated to eat, I am 4 years 8 months cancer free, I usually shock my patients and they're families when they find out I had breast cancer, they know I know what they're going through. And I didn't cry when my hair feel out and didn't wear chemo scarfs because I knew my cancer was gone and I was doing all this to make sure there weren't any stray cancer cells in my body. Surgical caps and an array of bandanas is what I wore. I know I'm nevertheless getting cancer again but there isn't a day that goes by when I feel my think about it

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