5 Benefits of Sweating

While many consider sweating to be unpleasant, a healthy sweat, induced by rigorous exercise, is actually great for you. Here are 5 reasons why….
- Sweat keeps your skin looking great. The skin is full of thousands of tiny pores that gather dirt and oil throughout the day. Sweat allows the skin to clean out those pores and help rid it of the dirt and oil that causes blemishes and breakouts.
- Sweating releases toxins. Sweating is the body’s natural way of getting rid of the ‘junk’ we sometimes put into our bodies.
- Sweating is the body’s cooling system. Much like a car engine, when the body works hard it starts to heat up. In order to prevent overheating, the body requires a cooling process…and sweating provides this.
- Sweating fights illness. Sometimes when we get sick, we’ll get cold sweats. This is the body’s way of forcing out unwanted toxins to retain a healthier balance.
- Sweating is therapeutic for the body. Exercise – especially when accompanied by a healthy increase in heart rate and some accompanying sweat, is not only good for every one of the body’s systems, it can also reduce stress.
Certainly nothing to be ashamed of, remember that sweating means that your body is working to help you maintain optimal health.
Article by Howard Murad, M.D., FAAD, a world renowned skincare expert and founder of the Inclusive Health movement.
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