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Are You Dense Advocacy Announces Growing Number of Density Reporting Bills Introduced in State Assemblies as of 2016

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Joan Lunden

Breast Cancer /

After my breast cancer diagnosis I teamed up with the organization Are You Dense Advocacy Inc in hopes to help them advocate for the Breast Density Reporting Act. The bill is aiming for women to be informed if they have dense breast tissue in their mammography report so they can talk to their doctors about what that means for them, and if they may need additional screening.

Last year I helped advocate for this bill on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC by sharing my story with senators in efforts to help pass this legislation, which is a key component to breast health.  

I am happy to hear there has been more progress made in the effort to get women the information that can save their lives!

Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc. Announces Growing Number of Density Reporting Bills Introduced in State Assemblies as of 2016

 For Immediate Release: February 1, 2016

WOODBURY, Conn. – Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc. announces today that now 10 states have joined its grassroots efforts to insure women be informed if they have dense breast tissue after mammography, a key component to breast health.

Oklahoma is the latest to stand alongside Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, New Hampshire, South Carolina Washington, West Virginia and Vermont to have introduced a density reporting bill as of 2016. Currently 24 states have enacted legislation. A link to an updated U.S. Density Reporting map is located here.

In 2009, Connecticut became the first state to disclose dense breast tissue to the patient through the mammography report. “Moved by my advanced stage cancer diagnosis within weeks of a normal mammogram, legislative champions gave Connecticut women access to the same critical breast health information that was known by their health care providers for years,” states Nancy M. Cappello, PhD, founder and director of two nonprofit organizations, Are You Dense, Inc. and Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc.  

“The disclosure of dense breast tissue allows patients the opportunity to discuss the masking and causal risks of dense breast tissue, along with other risks, with health care providers,” adds Dr. Cappello. “The intent of reporting legislation is to promote personalized decision-making about screening and breast health within the patient/doctor discourse.”

In addition to the state bills, through the relentless work of Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc., a federal density reporting bill currently sits in both the Senate and the House; it was introduced in February 2015.

“Clearly the issue of women’s right to know this important breast health information remains front and center for many who advocate for women’s health rights,” continues Dr. Cappello. “Today’s announcement reassures that our efforts for all women to have equal access to breast health information that can save their lives is going in the right direction.”

For more information about state and federal advocacy and education efforts, please visit AreYouDenseAdvocacy.org and AreYouDense.org.

About The Author
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Joan Lunden truly exemplifies today’s modern working woman. An award-winning journalist, bestselling author, motivational speaker, successful entrepreneur, one of America’s most recognized and trusted television personalities, this mom of seven continues to do it all. As host of Good Morning America for nearly two decades, Lunden brought insight to top issues for millions of Americans each day. The longest running host ever on early morning television, Lunden reported from 26 countries, covered 4 presidents and 5 Olympics and kept Americans up to date on how to care for their homes, their families and themselves.

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