Westchester Mag: 5 Tips For Creating A Stylish Home Office

Working from home is a luxury for most, but what some don't realize is how difficult it can be to separate your work space from your living space. In this article from Westchester Magazine Anne-Marie-Kavulla, owner of Pirtti Handwoven, shares 5 Tips For Creating A Stylish Home Office.
5 Tips For Creating A Stylish Home Office
Westchester resident Anne-Marie Kavulla owns Pirtti Handwoven and runs the business through her home office. She is a weaver and the home office is decorated and furnished with everything she could possibly need. Here, she offers up tips for creating a stylish and functional home office of your own.
1. Carving Out Space
The type and size of space will vary based on the type of work to be done. Some home offices can be carved out of a nook, for example, my husband, who also works from home, only needs enough space for himself and his computer. Other home offices require a lot more space. I need space for a floor loom and cabinets filled with yarn. What we have in common with our spaces is enough room to walk around a bit and windows for natural light and fresh air.
- A door: Sometimes you need to be able to shut the door to get stuff done!
- Storage: Particularly taking advantage of vertical storage. I use boards, pocket storage, and hooks with great success.
- Comfortable furniture: I often have to sit for long periods of time, whether at the loom, my computer or on the floor. Comfort is key! It can be as simple as throwing a lambskin on your seat or investing in an ergonomic chair.
- Headphones: Sometimes to make a deadline you need to tune out and shutting the door is not enough. Whether that be the standard headphones that come with your iPhone or fancy noise cancelling headphones. The doors to my studio are glass, which is great as I can keep an eye on my children and they can see me. However, if my headphones are on, everyone knows I mean business and they should not disturb!
For all of Anne-Marie's office tips, click here to read the full article on WestchesterMagazine.com: 5 Tips For Creating A Stylish Home Office